Advent is coming right up! Take a look at this photo:

Christmas tree made of books: I don’t own the rights to this photo. Thanks are due to my college friend Cindy O. for finding it on-line. If it’s yours and you object to my using it here, please just let me know, and I’ll take it down. To whomever made this tree: thank you, and three cheers! This is a fantastic tree!
Isn’t this tree enchanting? Some of us were having fun on Facebook thinking up comments. I invite all readers of this blog to join in here. We were being funny, but serious comments are also most welcome. These were some of my best thoughts:
1. How many stories tall is that tree, anyway?
2. We tried to reserve such a tree for our house this holiday season, too, but they were all booked!
3. There’s so much grammar represented in this tree that it’s Santa Clause who leaves presents under it. (And in the present tense, at that!)
4. Anybody feel like bookmarking this?
5. Instead of needles, this tree has spines.
6. Some of the works in this tree are from medieval scribes, and when you string lights on it, those writings become illuminated manuscripts.
7. One of these trees collapsed one time, and there was a title wave.
8. Another holiday hazard: such a tree, if left unattended, can lead to a Kindle Fire.
All comments welcome — Ho, ho, ho!
Can anyone identify the following location? Enjoying November here — hard at work on the revisions of Signs and Shadows!