This is a brief post to let you all know that I’m still among the living. Life has been busy lately — full of blessings, but all-consuming. Will write more soon, but for now, two important things:
First, here are links to the two songs from The Star Shard. The composer, Dorothy VanAndel Frisch, is performing them on these tracks. So this is your chance to hear what they sound like! Many thanks to Dorothy for composing the music in the first place, for making these recordings, and for posting them for the enjoyment of all who enter here!
I’m sure we’d both love to hear what you all think!
Next: two dear old friends visited me recently, and we found at last the elusive statue of Mr. Rogers. Check this out!
I have to say, it’s the oddest texture for a statue I’ve ever seen. It comes across better in the photo, actually. In person, he looks rather like a mud monster. But you can tell that’s our dear Mr. Rogers!
Some information on the statue explains that it’s made of a material that will last many thousands of years. So, millennia from now, this smiling mud monster will still be here on the site of ancient Pittsburgh, still a tribute to a great man who did so much to help and educate children.
And that’s it for now! This coming week, I’m off to Homer, New York, to be a visiting author at some schools and the public library! More about that next time!

"I'll be back when the week is new, and I'll have more ideas for you. You'll have things you'll want to talk about; I will, too."
‘Bye, neighbors!